
International equal pay day 2021
International equal pay day 2021

The need for the day and discussion is evident due to the persistent global inequalities.

international equal pay day 2021

In summary, the UN created equal pay day in accordance with its targets of the 2030 agenda. By highlighted the inequalities and poor working conditions amongst women, the Equal Pay Day creates awareness, which is significant for changes in gender equality. The aim of the equal pay ultimately falls within the aim of gender equality. Equal pay is connected to the gender equality in employment too, as the pay women receive demonstrates the value of their work on the labor market. The aforementioned employment issues are results of the pandemic and affect the gender equality in employment. Those issues need to be resolved before focus can be shifted towards equal pay. Women also often suffer from poor income security, disproportionate representation in tough working sectors, and the unequal and gendered division of family responsibilities. In parts of the world where pay inequality is the most significant, women suffer from unacceptable working conditions. One can argue that pay inequality is a luxury issue. Inequality is lesser in countries where the engagement on equal pay is the largest, such as in the Nordic countries. On the other hand, equal pay is not a universal issue. As such, the mission of the equal pay day is significant and very needed. Women’s work continues to be less valued. The hard truth remains that women earn less due to them being subject to gender-based discrimination. However, the above list doesn’t offer a complete explanation as to why women are almost always paid less. These discrepancies may be due to differences in education, education, working time, occupational segregation, skills, and experience. On average, women, are still paid about 20 per cent less than men, globally. The need to continue the discussions on equal pay, through notably, International Equal Pay Day, is evident when considering the present situation.

International equal pay day 2021 full#

This is in line with Agenda 2030 and particularly target 5, which is to “ achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.” The aim of such day is to promote further action towards the achievement of equal pay for work of equal value.

international equal pay day 2021

The first edition of International Equal Pay Day occurred the following year, on the 18 th of September 2020. On 15 November 2019, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming 18 September as International Equal Pay Day. This blog post was written by Lisa Kronestedt, Intern at the Europe Office at the RWI HQ in Lund. You will also find book reviews and analyses of new laws. We dig deep into our focus areas within human rights, discuss SDGs and human rights. We shed light on contemporary human rights issues and comment on human rights developments.

International equal pay day 2021